domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

My Sister

Andrea Chávez
My Sister is a beautiful girl. She is twenty three years old, is an average height woman with shoulder lenght, wavy, red hair. Her face is square with olive skin, and light brown, big eyes that illuminate whoever stares at them. Below them is a tiny and sharp nose that shows feminity and delicacy; she also has a small mouth with thin lips. She is slim and seems to be phisically fit even when she doesn't practice any sports; her legs are not very long, but ayways are in proportion with all her body. And that's why she is such a pretty woman.

This is one of my favourite paragraphs. Here I learned how to use punctuation, and I also  used the topic and concluding sentence. On both description, I had the oportunity of  include things that I learned on Composición Creativa and made a coherent text.

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