lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Night owl

I think that I'm a night person, because I do all things that I like when the moon rises. Even when I'm sleepy almost all day, in the night, I can't sleep, so I always watch some movies or series while I'm chatting with some friends, until 1 or 2 of the morning.
Then when I finally decide to go to bed, I like to stare at the moon first and to fall sleep I love closing my eyes reading some interesting books.

For this and much more I believe that the  night is the best time of the day

This was the first paragraph that I wrote on this subject, and the most important thing that I learned with this work was the topic and concluding sentences, before this I didn't know that the paragraph need a topic sentence and that all the text has to be according to the topic sentence. Other amazing thing of writting this paragraph was share it with others classmates of my group, and that they could tell me what things they like it and what they didn't like it.

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