lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Proceso grafeno

Lluvia de ideas:

-Más fuerte que el acero
-No se sobrecalienta

Tesis inicial:

El grafeno será el material más utilizado del nuevo siglo.

El material del futuro

Actualmente son muchos los materiales usados en la tecnología, vestuario, entre otros tipos de utensilios del uso cotidiano; estos materiales se mueven desde el silicio, cobre, hasta el nylon, sin embargo gracias a un nuevo descubrimiento, muchos de estos materiales podrán ser reemplazados por uno solo, el grafeno, éste será el material más utilizado del nuevo siglo, debido a las propiedades extraordinarias que posee, tales como: flexibilidad, dureza, gran conductividad, siendo también uno  de los componentes más finos del mundo. Convirtiéndose así en la competencia directa del silicio y el cobre, llamado a revolucionar la tecnología en un futuro no muy lejano.
Será utilizado en muchos ámbitos, pero se piensa que las primeras aplicaciones de éste serán en las facetas más cotidianas, debido a su efecto antibacteriano, es decir, tiene la capacidad de luchar contra bacterias causantes de enfermedades. Esto será útil para hacer calzados sin olor, plantillas antibacterianas, prendas de vestir, envases para alimentos que los mantengan más frescos, vendajes, entre otros.

Además el grafeno revolucionará la tecnología, al ser extremadamente fino y resistente, se podrán crear microchips más veloces, pantallas flexibles y transparentes, también tiene una gran conductividad eléctrica, la cual se podrá aprovechar en procesadores y baterías. Cabe señalar que consume mucho menos energía que el tradicional silicio, por lo cual el cargar los teléfonos, computadores, etc, constará de menos tiempo y a su vez ahorrará energía.

Otro ámbito en el que se utilizará el grafeno, es en celulares, tanto touch, como smartphones, ya que se pueden doblar y enrollar sin perder un ápice su portabilidad, esto ya se ha probado. Este tipo de pantallas genera imágenes más nítidas que las de tecnología LCD, tienen mucho menor grosor y consumo de energía, “esto se logra colocando una lámina de grafeno por encima de un panel de píxeles y dar lugar a una pantalla flexible de calidad, además de ser un buen conductor eléctrico sin apenas entrar en calor.” (Javier Perez Rey, 2013, Tecno Xplora). 

Además de las aplicaciones tecnológicas, los científicos buscan innovaciones utilizando el grafeno para generar nuevos productos, por ejemplo en el Instituto de Tecnología de Pekin han creado una membrana de grafeno muy ligera (densidad de 2.1 mg/cm3), que resiste el fuego. “Esta membrana ha sido ensayada como filtro selectivo de mezclas de gases para purificar gas natural y reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono en chimeneas térmicas o tubos de escape de vehículos.”(Francisco Solano Muñoz, 2012, Ciencia y Salud)

También se cree que no solo se podrá utilizar para purificar gas sino también para purificar agua debido a que el grafeno permite crear poros de diámetro muy preciso. Hasta ahora la tecnología de la desalinización no ha resultado ser suficientemente eficaz y barata. El Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) ha desarrollado un método basado en filtros de grafeno que promete ser más eficiente que los sistemas existentes. El sistema más común de desalinización, la osmosis inversa, requiere alta presión, y por tanto alto consumo de energía, para forzar el paso del agua a través de membranas convencionales: Las membranas de grafeno son aproximadamente mil veces más delgadas, así que pueden operar a presiones mucho más bajas, o alternativamente a velocidades mayores de filtración. 
Por último, se cree que también tendrá aplicación en la medicina, ya que se podría emplear en los tratamientos para el cáncer, siendo menos agresivo que la quimioterapia. Básicamente este tratamiento consistiría en inyectar al paciente partículas de grafeno modificadas químicamente para que se adhieran a la célula cancerosa, así el grafeno absorbería la luz infrarroja y la irradiación sólo atacaría a las células malignas. Pero esto aún no está completamente comprobado. 
En síntesis, el grafeno gracias a sus tantas propiedades será un material revolucionario en un futuro no muy lejano, ya que aún en este poco tiempo se ha encontrado distintas aplicaciones, y con más investigaciones y estudios se podrá encontrar aún más diversas formas de utilizar el grafeno, haciendo de nuestra vida más simple y llevando a nuestra tecnología, vestuario, salud, etc. a un gran avance y eficacia, marcando a su vez el futuro.

En mi opinión, el grafeno es uno de los mejores materiales que existe y si es que todas estas aplicaciones son posibles, será un gran adelanto en todo ámbito, haciendo de nuestra vida más fácil y a la vez de mejor calidad. También me resulta increíble como solo un mineral puede hacer la función de muchos materiales, ya que hoy en día para estas distintas aplicaciones se necesita de gran cantidad de minerales, mientras que con el grafeno esto se podría reducir, lo que es muy interesante y alucinante a mis ojos.
Por otro lado, una de las aplicaciones más interesantes es en la salud y aunque no está por completo estudiada y no se puede afirmar que resulte, si esta hipótesis es acertada,  será un increíble avance, ya que el cáncer es una enfermedad que está latente y es de mucho dolor no solo para el que la posee, sino también para los que están a su alrededor y creo que una solución como la que da el grafeno, sin todas las contraindicaciones que tiene el tratamiento actual, será muy bien aceptada por todas las personas en el mundo.


Destaco un rostro redondo de tamaño normal, donde resaltan grandes mejillas. Su piel es trigueña, tersa como porcelana, está maquillada lo que demuestra preocupación por su imagen.

Tiene cabello largo, liso, la textura de éste es suave como la seda, lo que lo hace ver brillante como el sol, su color es café casi negro en degradé con rojizo. Sus cejas finas y arqueadas, destacan sus negros y grandes ojos que se asemejan a los de los felinos, porque son profundos y penetrantes. Los acompañan largas y crespas pestañas que le añaden coquetería e intriga.
Más abajo se puede apreciar su nariz, fina de perfil, pero más gruesa de frente, con el tamaño justo para su cara . Le siguen sus rojos labios, tan intensos como la grana, finos con forma de corazón. Entre éstos se asoman blancas perlas que proyectan felicidad e invitan a divertirse.
Finalmente , su expresión indica que es alguien pasional y enérgica. En su totalidad proyecta un espíritu salvaje, sensual y a la vez, muy sociable.

Night owl

I think that I'm a night person, because I do all things that I like when the moon rises. Even when I'm sleepy almost all day, in the night, I can't sleep, so I always watch some movies or series while I'm chatting with some friends, until 1 or 2 of the morning.
Then when I finally decide to go to bed, I like to stare at the moon first and to fall sleep I love closing my eyes reading some interesting books.

For this and much more I believe that the  night is the best time of the day

This was the first paragraph that I wrote on this subject, and the most important thing that I learned with this work was the topic and concluding sentences, before this I didn't know that the paragraph need a topic sentence and that all the text has to be according to the topic sentence. Other amazing thing of writting this paragraph was share it with others classmates of my group, and that they could tell me what things they like it and what they didn't like it.

Olas bravas

Era un cálido día de verano en Enero, las olas se azotaban contra la arena, nos bañábamos y nadábamos, todo parecía normal. Fernanda una de las niñas con quien me bañaba, prima de una de mis amigas; es tres años menor que yo, pero diez centímetros más alta, le encanta llevar el pelo hasta los hombros y desordenado. En ese entonces no nos conocíamos muy a fondo pero aún así compartíamos ese día por capricho del destino.

Fernanda comenzó a adentrarse en el mar y yo sin poner atención a lo que sucedía me alejé de ella, cuando escuché un grito ensordecedor. -¡Auxilio!- Sin entender al comienzo lo que sucedía me volví a ella con una cara enigmática. Ella, al notar mi incertidumbre, volvió a gritar: -¡Auxilio, de verdad, auxilio!-  En ese momento sin pensar sensatamente, recordando las múltiples películas que habría visto, decidí ser la heroína. Me adentré en el mar para intentar salvarla, sin embargo en vez de salvarla la corriente me atrapó al igual que a ella y cada vez estábamos más al fondo del ancho mar, y la orilla se veía ya a mucha distancia de allí. Fernanda no se rendía y seguía gritando, yo a pesar de mi desesperación, decidí apelar a la madurez que debía tener siendo la mayor, aún así el miedo crecía dentro de mí.
¡Gracias a Dios!... como un milagro, llegaron dos surfistas quienes nos llevaron a la orilla y a pesar de los moretones y rasguños, llegamos sanas y salvas a la playa.
Aunque fue algo aterrador, esta vivencia me mostró dos cosas. Primero, no precipitarme sino pensar sabia y sensatamente antes de actuar. Y que luego de pasar una experiencia tan fuerte con alguien , se puede formar una fuerte y linda amistad. Y cada vez que nos preguntan por qué somos amigas, ella contesta - Me di cuenta que debía ser mi amiga después de casi haber dado su vida por salvarme -


Mi habitación

El lugar que más me gusta es mi pieza. Desde la puerta de la habitación, lo primero que se puede observar es la plácida cama de una plaza; es cómoda como las esponjadas nubes del cielo y está cubierta por un cobertor de plumas celeste con figuras verde claro. 

En la pared  del costado derecho de la imagen se encuentra un gancho personalizado con un marco de fotos, hecho a mano. En él se encuentra una de mis fotos favoritas de un gran triunfo del pasado; en este gancho cuelga un bolso negro con un dibujo de una conocida película. Al lado derecho de este gancho se encuentra un espejo rectangular con marco café. En la esquina del cuarto hay una cómoda, de color café claro con tres compartimientos; en ella se encuentran libros de toda clase, ya que antes de dormir me encanta leer alguno de ellos.

Sobre la cómoda hay una caja y más libros, además de una imitación de un cuadro de Van gogh que realicé hace unos años.
Por último, a la izquierda de la  imagen está la ventana a través de ella entran los rayos del sol los que iluminan toda la habitación. Esa luminosidad provoca un sentimiento de paz y calma, motivándome a estar allí, no sólo para dormir, sio para cantar, estudiar, disfrutar y simplemente vivir.


Sensory Details

In spring is when all my senses come back to life. It starts with all the gorgeous flowers, trees, and all kind of plants that grow around the city, maybe here in Iquique this is not well appreciated, but anyway we can see it, and smell it. I love how the colors around me make me feel like there is a rainbow in every corner, and you can see this not only in nature, but also in people, because everybody begin to wear vivid colors and keep his warm and sober clothes. There is also the beautiful birdsong every morning, something that make me wake up with a smile upon my face. That's why I believe that is in spring when I use more my senses.

Using Examples

Spring is one of the funniest time of the year. I love when I can keep the clothes of winter and begin to wear funny and colorful clothes. Normally in winter I stay at home, because of the cold weather, but in spring I go out all the time, to walk by the beach, drink some juice, eat some ice-cream with friends, and that sort of things. There is also the feeling that the year is almost finished and the long awaited vacations are coming, so you want to give your best shot. Spring is one of the best and busy seasons of the year, for these and many other reasons.

Telling an incident

The best time of the spring is the beginning of it, because is the week of national holidays. I love the week of September 18°, because for me, is a celebratin spend with the family and friends. Every year me and my friends get together to make a barbecue and dance "cueca", the national dance of Chile, and we spend a wonderful time. I like this week also because I eat a lot of meat, and I'm nuts with meat, one of my favorite dishes. But one of the most wonderful things about this week, is that are days of work, university and other duties. That's why I love the national holidays of my country.

With these paragraph I learn to write a text of the same of the same thing by using differents ways of developing, the first is by senses, the second one by giving examples and the third one by telling a special date. I also remember when I learned about the introductory and concluding sentence, because it was the way of developing the whole paragraph.


It was a normal and beautiful day for an octopus couple in love, like always they were floating, dancing and huging in their fish tunk without any preocupation. Suddenly a horrible and wicked hand appear in their beautiful home and takes away the gorgeous purple female octopus, his husband can't believe it, the pain was like they have take out of him his heart; however he decided not to give up and go to find her. He dashed to the truck and grabbed of it, he sees the driver and begin to fight with him, it was an epic fight even the delicate female octopus begin to fight and tried to escape with her handsome and corageous husband. Finally they are free, what a happy moment for them; yet they are not save, because suddenly and horrible bird takes away the male octopus and now is the beautiful female octopus who go to save him; they know that it doesn't matter what happen they will be always a way of being togetther, even when they would be all time against the world, fighting for their love.


This paragraph was one of the last that I did in the semester, I really love doing this story, because I like telling stories, but also because in this text I could improve my writting, specially in terms of comas, semi-colon, and all kind of punctuation. Also I could learn vocabulary, and how to write an interesting text.

House Description

Real estate E.N.A.P. brings to you to today a beautiful house model Sun Prairie. 2 Floors with basement included. Garage, 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms. Living room, Dining room and Kitchen all Connected in a single room, Storage room near of the kitchen, Laundry Room all nice distributed in the 2 floors of the house, Oh, I also should mention the including of a really big personal Garden.

All the rooms have windows at their sides for make the sunlight penetrate in the house and filling it with the Daylight. Pay attention to the nicely done floors of the house. with a special distribution of Carpets and floors made of wood. All this makes the ambient feels really cozy, Perfect for families and especially for children.

This house is ubicated in the suburbs. but not for that detail you would believe all is far away of you. the shops and commodities, like supermarkets, Malls, Schools  even go to the Downtown it takes no time from your house here in the suburbs all thanks to Highway that connects with the city, and if any of you doesn’t have a vehicle, No Problem!. public transport even makes routes until here. so the distance should be not a problem to anyone.

Still not convinced? Come to talk with us in person. we have headquarters around all the country and employees ready for ask all your questions. Come to Real estate E.N.A.P. Come to home

 A semi room used for resting and receiving people. There is a wide white room divided into two sides, the right side of the room has two little windows that are separated from each other and have brown short curtains over it. In the middle of both windows there are two rectangle-shaped pictures with flowers that are in vertical way. Down these pair of pictures there is situated a white sofa with four cushions over it: two burgundy and two dotted. In both sides next to the sofa there are two medium brown round tables with lamps on it and some portraits. In front of the sofa there is a brown rectangle table with black porcelain ve-ls that are on it 
 It is a square place used as a bathroom, where the principal furniture is a round, white bathtub, actually a jacuzzi. The walls are painted grey combined with light brown and have a nice painting of flowers, also you can use other types of paintings to  make you feel more comfortable and happy if you want.The wall that is in the background  has a window  made of opaque glass that can be used for ventilation and clarity in a summer or spring season, in the other wall  there is a type of grip  to put  towels but in other cases can be used to put  clothes and that sort of things too. The grip has a towel that  is white with a red tape. Around the bath in one corner of it, it is a  floral arrangement to decorate the bathroom in general and in the other corner  there are a few of naturals and minerals products made to take a relaxing bath. Within the same bathroom in front of the jacuzzi there is a sink, supported by a dark, brown and hard wood, the sink has two options: hot and cold water. Over the sink there is a large mirror from wall to  wall, which reflects the electric light throughout the bathroom in general, giving a warm atmosphere. In the other side of the bathroom, beside the  jacuzzi is located a shower with sliding windows  that give an elegant touch to the bathroom.
 This room is one of the biggest  in the house, making it comfortable, the walls have two colors, light peach making it relaxing and deep red making it romantic. At the beginning of the room it`s a brown piece of furniture with five drawers and ten white handlebars for stuff, at the top of the furniture it’s a red lamp combining with the colours of the walls. In the middle of the light peach wall is a passage  and  two others little rooms, both are wardrobes that one can be  for the wife and the other for the husband. In the deep red wall is a window with a beautiful view. The bed is a king bed very comfortable  and is resistant because is made of wood, the blanket is floral with cheerful colours like  red, white, green, and yellow, the pillows are of the same color except one that is red making combination with the atmosphere of the room. Next to the bed is other window, equal to the other mentioned before, making illuminated it. If we keep moving in the bedroom we can see a brown couch with a red pillow with white details, you can use it for read a book, made some calls, or just rest. The last furniture is bigger and you can store bed clothing, at the back is a big and beautiful mirror. We can find at  the end of the corridor a beautiful and comfortable bathroom with a jacuzzi for a relaxing and romantic night.
 Garden:its a large area of land around the house that has grass, on the bottom of grass you can find small stones that made a path that 
leads you to the house, also you can plant flowers, fruit,vegetable, etc, 
usually with a lawn. The garden can incorporate  natural product or artificial
 made by  man-made materials,as suggestive idea, you can build or decorate your garden with goblins, flower pots, design  a relaxing environment  for making good Reading and interesting conversation. or make it appropriate for children and  their played.
 This is a cozy  kitchen, very well equipped, full of appliances, cupboards and cabinets. At the right it’s a large cupboard made of wood and a grey, marble kitchen countertop. Over of it, we can see some jars and bottles that you can use it for condiments, there is also a big and useful sink.  At the back  we can see a grey stove, and over of it, is a microwave surrounded by many cabinets made of light brown wood that are spread throughout the room, so you will not have problems for keeping your stuff. At the left corner it’s a white door that takes you to a small room, in which you can keep more grocery, and at the left of it, there are more cabinets, and a cupboard. The cupboard has some drawers with some decorations over of it, like a red vase, a flower pot, etc. There is also a big, grey refrigerator with  two doors.  Finally, in the center of the room, we can see an island with two drawers and two doors of the same color of all the other cupboards of the room, over the countertop of the island it’s a plate with little stones decorating it. So even when is a small kitchen is well equipped for cook anything you like, and also to spend a good time cooking.
 It is a small and a comfortable room in which you can see a large table made of wood. On the table there are some table mats,  two candelabra and in the middle one flower arrangement to beautify the place. Around of the table there are six chairs made of wood too. Next to the table, there is a window with a small curtain. At the back you can see a big, green plant. In the other side of the wall there is a picture with four different colors. Between the plant and the picture, there is a cupboard made of wood and in the doors there are glasses. In general, walls are white in this room, you can see it side to side, but at the back there is a red wall and those colors make a perfect match.
There are two comfortable bedrooms for kids on the second floor. The first one is a baby boy bedroom with a white door and two-colored painted walls which are white and deep red, and a large window with a short curtain. When you enter the room you can see a wardrobe at the right. In front of the wardrobe there’s a one-size bed with red and green pillows, a toy stuff and a multi-coloured bedspread covering the bed.The bed is surrounded by many toys such a red plastic ball, boxes, etc. Next to the bed  there’s a night table with a lamp and a toy. At the left side of the room there’s a white door, where you can save your clothes and different stuffs. On the walls, just behind the bed, you can see a large portrait with a big dinosaur painted on it and the name of the person who lives here next to it. Next to the window, there’s a bag hanging from the wall and a dinosaur plushie. There's a carpet on the floor so the person who lives here can walk barefoot inside the room.
Finally, as you can see, this is a quiet and comfortable room where your kid can enjoy and be happy here.

The second one is a girl bedroom. This room is a bit bigger than the first one and has orange-painted walls, two large windows with short and green curtains and carpeted floor. When you enter the room, you can see a big desk with many writing materials at the left, a red lamp and a large mural on the wall with many pieces of paper. Next to the desk, there's a white wardrobe with a big green box on it and a portrait behind. On the right side and in the center of the room, there's a big bed with floral-printed bedspread and green sheet. There are red and blue pillows and a small pillow with them, and a toy on the bed. At the both sides of the bed, you can see two white night tables with lamps of the same color and two little pictures. Behind the bed, there's another picture with flowers on it. 

Finally, there are objects and a bag hanging on the wall next to the bed, and many stuff on the floor, such a bag and skates. As you can see, it's a comfortable place  where your daughter can relax and enjoy her time in the room.

With this paragraph I learned to describe a house, but also to work in group, something that is very hard, I was the corrector of the group and it was really difficult for me, because I'm not used to say to the other people what to do, but I was able of telling them in a right way, and we all were able to coperate together.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

My funny sister

My sister is an interesting person to know. She is an outgoing woman she can talk easily with people she doesn't know, because she is really talkative. When you get to know her better you can realize that is a very funny person, because she definetely is not afraid of being ridiculous, but anyway she is still a sensible woman when she has to, especially now that she is married. Despite all of this she is very grumpy too, and a stubborn girl, so when you have a fight with her, it doesn't matter who is right; she would always win. Anyway still it's worth meeting her, because once that you meet her you will want to know more about her.


Gisselle, es una mujer alegre que le gusta divertirse y divertir a los demás, por lo que al entrar a una habitación la ilumina con su sonrisa y optimismo. Este mismo optimismo es el que le ayuda a sobrellevar las adversidades que se le presenten. Además de esto es una mujer empática, ya que no puede hacerse la indiferente al dolor de los demás, aun cuando sean personas que no conoce; tiene una gran sensibilidad ya que al ver las noticias puede quedar con un sabor amargo por varios días. Aún cuando le encanta socializar y hacer amistades, es muy confrontacional, directa y sincera, donde dirá sin rodeos si algo no le gusta.

Tiene muchos talentos, canta, dibuja, escribe poemas y muchas más habilidades; estos dones la ayudan a relajarse y olvidarse del estrés que puede ver en la universidad, trabajo y hasta en su familia, a veces.
Cuando era pequeña sufrió de bullying, por lo cual era muy tímida, pero cuando fue creciendo tuvo consolación de parte de Dios, ya que es creyente, también recibió apoyo de su familia, todo eso la llevo a cambiar siendo ahora muy extrovertida, usando su pasado doloroso para consolar a los demás, ya que nada de eso la detuvo, sino que salió adelante, llena de sueños y entre esos esta terminar su carrera, lo que es su mayor responsabilidad en este momento.

My Sister

Andrea Chávez
My Sister is a beautiful girl. She is twenty three years old, is an average height woman with shoulder lenght, wavy, red hair. Her face is square with olive skin, and light brown, big eyes that illuminate whoever stares at them. Below them is a tiny and sharp nose that shows feminity and delicacy; she also has a small mouth with thin lips. She is slim and seems to be phisically fit even when she doesn't practice any sports; her legs are not very long, but ayways are in proportion with all her body. And that's why she is such a pretty woman.

This is one of my favourite paragraphs. Here I learned how to use punctuation, and I also  used the topic and concluding sentence. On both description, I had the oportunity of  include things that I learned on Composición Creativa and made a coherent text.